• St Jospeh’s Church, Fincairn


  • St Mary’s Church, Altinure


  • St Peter’s & St Paul’s Church, Ballymonie



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Sundays: Vigil 7.00pm. Every alternate Sunday 9.15am
Weekdays: Mon & Fri 9.30am

Fri 10.00am. Sat 6.30pm

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St Mary’s Church, Altinure

Sundays: 10.30am
Weekdays: Tue & Thur 10.00am

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St Peter’s & St Paul’s Church, Ballymonie

Sundays: Every alternate Sunday 12noon.
Weekdays: Wed 7.00pm

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St Mary’s Church, Altinure

St Joseph’s Church, Fincairn

St Peter’s & St Paul’s Church, Ballymonie


Diocese of Derry News

The Net - June 2024

Date: 2024-07-15

The June 2024 edition of 'The Net', the monthly publication sharing the fruits of the faith in our parish communities within the Diocese of Derry a...

All welcome to Knock for World Day for Grandparents and Elderly on 28 July 2024

Date: 2024-07-15

Grandparents are our heritage and are essential members of our families and communities. That is why a special day, Grandparents Day in School, is ...

What does ‘Ordinary Time’ mean in the Church’s calendar?

Date: 2024-07-11

Q: I once heard a priest talk about Ordinary Time and that it didn't mean 'plain' or that other times were more important. Of course, I can't remem...

Towards October 2024: Second Instrumentum Laboris Published

Date: 2024-07-10

'Instrumentum Laboris', the text that will guide the work of the second session of the XVI (16th) Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod in October...

Bishops’ of Ireland statement on end of life care: Freedom to Live Fully, Until Death Comes

Date: 2024-07-09

"Every human person possesses an infinite dignity, inalienably grounded in his or her very being, which prevails in and beyond every circumstance, ...

Saint of the Day

St. Panteleon

Date: 2024-07-09

St. Panteleon

Feast date: Jul 27

St. Panteleon, whose feast we celebrate on July 27, is the patron saint of bachelors and physicians.

As lifelong layperson, he was the physician for emperor Maximinianus. At one point in his life he had abandoned his faith, but he eventually returned to the Church, and gave his fortune to the poor, providing them medical treatment without charge. Some of his cures were accomplished by prayer.

Other physicians eventually denounced him to the anti-Christian authorities. At his trial, he offered a contest between himself and the pagan priests. He challenged the pagan priests to heal a paralyzed man with their prayers, but they ...

Blessed Mary Magdalen Martinengo

Date: 2024-07-09

Feast date: Jul 27

Mary Magdalen Martinengo da Barco was born as the daughter of a noble family, her father being Fidelis, who was the son of noble parents, in Brescia, Italy. Her mother died when she was only 5 months old, and her childhood was lived with many psychological disturbances. However, she later joined the Capuchinesses of Santa Maria della Neve.Her responsibilities in the convent varied from portress to Novice Mistress, and eventually superior of the convent. In order to fully imitate her foundress, St. Clare of Assisi, Mary distinguished herself in modesty, patience and obedience. She had a great devotion to the Passion of Our Lord, and the climax of every day for her were her numerous visits to the Blessed Sacrament. God reward...


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Parish of Banagher
42 Glenedra Road, Feeny, Co Derry
BT47 4TW
Tel: 028 - 7778 1223
